Services for Schools

  • Tree-risk assessment

  • Construction planning

  • Disease diagnosis

  • Education

arborist-services for schools marin sonoma county

Arborscience has worked with the following schools:

Bacich Elementary School | Cinnabar Elementary and Charter School | Gallinas Elementary School Inverness Elementary School | James B. Davidson Middle School | Kent Middle School | Lagunitas School Laurel Dell Elementary School | Marin Waldorf School | San Rafael High School | St. Vincent’s School for Boys Stinson Beach School | Tamalpais High School


Schedule a virtual inspection of your oaks for Sudden Oak Death.  This service provides a cost-effective, accurate, and convenient way to screen your oaks for the presence of this serious pathogen.  Using FaceTime, Skype, Facebook Messenger, or Google Duo we will examine your trees together over video chat and discuss presence, level of infection, and treatment options for your oaks.  Inspections last 15 minutes and can be scheduled online.  A report will be prepared that documents results of the inspection. 

Fee:  $200